Time & Location
28 Apr 2021, 6:00 pm
zoom videoconference
About The Event
Come along for a practical discussion of how to lobby to get campaign wins. Register to recieve the zoom details.
We will be covering how you decide who to lobby, how to approach an political office, and how to have an effective lobbying meeting.
This training is especially geared towards students and activists new to lobbying - and is open to anyone who is interested. There'll be opportunities to ask questions and workshop your own campaign during this session.
Sophie Johnston is a current National Youth Commissioner and Community and Public Sector Union organiser and former National Union of Students President. Sophie has lobbied on a wide range of student, youth and union issues, and appeared on Q&A.
Rosie Ryan is NSW Labor Left Secretary and works for the CPSU. As well as lobbying on union issues Rosie was involved in the campaign for abortion decriminalisation in NSW through the Our Bodies Our Choices community campaign and Labor for Choice.