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Safe Access Zones for Reproductive Health Clinics



Women in NSW are subject to harassment and intimidation by protestors when attempting to access health clinics that provide abortion and other reproductive health services.


Protestors congregate outside clinics where abortions are performed pushing brochures at people with graphic and offensive images, taking photos and video, blocking entry to clinics, calling women "child murderers" and threatening dire and ill-founded medical, spiritual and psychological consequences if they enter the clinic.

This problem can be a one off issue or for some clinics it is a daily occurrence.


The current laws do not afford women seeking these services the privacy and dignity they deserve when seeking access to reproductive health services.


Labor Governments in three Australian jurisdictions - Victoria, Tasmania and the ACT have introduced “safe access zones” around abortion clinics. These zones involve a 150m zone and allow women the ability to access these services free from harassment and with their privacy protected.


Labor MLC, Penny Sharpe currently has a bill that has been endorsed by the State Parliamentary Labor Party that if passed will create safe access zones at clinics in NSW.




That this branch supports:

  1. the right of women to enter all health facilities free from harassment and in a way that preserves their dignity and privacy

  2. the creation of 150m safe access zones for reproductive health clinics where abortions are performed


The branch supports the State Parliamentary Labor Party’s bill to create safe access zones for women and staff at reproductive health clinics in NSW.

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