Early Childhood wage disparity
Motion: That section 5.8 of the NSW Labor platform be amended to include the following:
NSW Labor believes that early childhood teachers and educators are professionals whose work is worthy of recognition through accreditation with teaching authorities and through professional wages which are consistent with the wages of other teachers and educators.
Scripture in School
Motion: That section 5.1 of the NSW Labor platform be amended to include the following:
NSW Labor believes that faith can play an important role in the lives of children. NSW Labor believes that volunteer run scripture classes in NSW public schools shall be held outside of classroom teaching time to ensure classroom time is focused on syllabus content.
Overfunded schools
Motion: That in section 5.15 of the NSW Labor platform the following underlined paragraph be inserted:
5.16 NSW Labor will continue to support non government schools through the provision of financial assistance on a needs basis.
NSW Labor will support the closing of 'grandfathered' provisions in school funding agreements which sees some independent schools over-funded based on the current formula. NSW Labor recognises that needs based funding relies on all schools being held to the same high standards of public accountability.
NSW Labor will retain TAFE as a state based institution and will strenuously oppose any proposed takeover of TAFE by federal governments. NSW Labor will work with Federal Labor to ensure that relevant authorities such as ASQA, ACCC and the Ombudsman are resources adequately to ensure that there is a comprehensive program of regular auditing of all private providers. NSW Labor will guarantee a sufficient proportion of its budget is allocated to public TAFE colleges to enable them to compete with private providers on an equitable basis.